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How to Write a Personal Statement

Useful Tips for Writing a Personal Statement for Grad School

Of all the papers you may be asked to write in your academic life, your personal statement may be the most important. College admissions are getting increasingly competitive, and students need to find a way to impress if they are to be considered for limited opportunities. However, for more people, quality writing does not come naturally. In this article, we offer useful tips that will help you to complete an outstanding paper and boost your college admission prospects. You will also get information on how you can get reliable writing assistance.

What Is a Personal Statement? What Is It Not?

College and scholarship applications are generally determined based on three important pieces of information, including your letters of recommendation, your GPA, and a personal statement. All things considered, the personal statement tends to carry more weight in influencing your admission chances compared to the other two. Whether you are applying for graduate school, nationally competitive scholarships, or an employment opportunity, you may have noticed the element that requires you to tell more about yourself.

A personal statement is essentially an applicant’s introduction to the selection committee. It is an important determinant of who gets considered for limited opportunities and is at the heart of the college application process. This important document is a picture of you as an individual, as a student, and as a candidate for admission or scholarship. It should invite the reader to know more about you on a personal level. It is also an indication of your judgment and priorities, depending on what you choose to include in the statement. Most importantly, this document is your story, where you demonstrate to the admissions committee those attributes that make you a good fit for the college. As such, it requires serious self-reflection.

Now that we have considered what a personal statement is, it is time to consider what it is not. Remember, this is not an academic paper with you as the subject. Most students make this mistake, ending up with a plain and impersonal document. You are taught to avoid the first person style when writing academic papers. Well, this does not apply here. The goal when writing a personal statement for medical school ought to be closing the distance between you and the audience. As such, you will need to engage on a more personal level. Here are other things that the statement is not:

  • An essay that reads like a summary of your accomplishments;
  • A journal entry of every aspect of your life;
  • A justification or plea for admission;

Most importantly, a personal statement is an authentic document in which you build a case for yourself.

Why Is a Personal Statement Important?

Most college applications prioritize the personal statement — and for a good reason. The principal role of this document is to offer the admission officers a clear presentation of the candidate. The officials want to know about you beyond the details available in your other application materials as such, your writing should cover such details as your reason for pursuing the program, as well as your vision, commitment, and long-term goals.

While it is best that your whole application will be viewed holistically, this is rarely ever true. In most cases, admissions officials use the personal statement to judge not only your enthusiasm but also your potential suitability. In fact, the more competitive the course and the college, the more likely it is that your personal statement will be the key deciding factor.

In cases where there are enough opportunities for all applicants (which is rarely ever the case), the personal statement is a great chance to introduce yourself and show your suitability. In case you don’t get the grades desired, the document also serves to compensate for that, swinging the admissions officials in your favor. It also shows that you have done some research on the institution and allows you to get your voice heard.

Useful Tips for Writing a Personal Mission Statement

Since this is a personal document, there is no universal consensus on how to write it. While the freedom can be liberating, it can also be confusing. While each document is unique in terms of style, the goal of writing remains the same. So, what makes a personal statement unique? Here are some tips to consider:

Be True to Your Personal Voice

Many students make the mistake of thinking that the personal statement ought to sound ‘academic’, meaning that they often end up with plain and rigid papers. Avoid this trap. Instead, you ought to use sentence structures and vocabulary that come naturally to you.

Use the Right Format

The most appropriate way to approach the process of writing a personal statement for law school is as a narrative essay. This way, you will be telling a story about yourself. A good paper must have an introduction, body sections, and an ending. A paper that flows naturally and in a logical manner will impress the admissions officers, and show that you will likely succeed in the program. Use your paragraphs appropriately, transitioning seamlessly between each section. Keep your writing as concise as possible eliminating unnecessary jargons and ambiguous phrases.

Understand Your Audience and Tailor Your Writing Appropriately

Like every other paper that you may be required to write, approach the personal statement with your intended audience in mind. Remember, every institution is unique, and you will need to tailor your application to a particular college. First, consider the mission and the values of the institution, as well as the particular group of individuals who will read the statement. They will have tons of applications to go through, meaning that you need to make yours memorable and unique.

Here are the four writing steps to follow:

  • During the researching phase collect information relating to the institution;
  • In the prewriting stage, organize your ideas and create an outline;
  • You can then create a draft;
  • Lastly, make sure to carefully edit and proofread your work.

What Are Some of the Challenges Writing Students Face?

Applying for college can be a challenging process especially if you have no idea how to write a personal statement. Of course, you may have been able to successfully complete several other papers in the past. However, as you may have noticed, the personal statement is like any other. Here are some of the challenges involved:

  • Lack of enough time either due to academic and personal commitments or emergencies;
  • Lack of the necessary skills;
  • Language barriers.

Given its significance to your college admission prospects, it is important to get the personal statement right. It does not matter the magnitude of the challenge you are facing. Thanks to the recent surge in the popularity of online writing, candidates no now easily get writing assistance online.

Where Can One Get Help with a Personal Statement?

Thanks to the recent rise in the popularity of online writing, getting help with papers has become easier than ever before. Today, with just one click of a button, you can hire a professional ghostwriter to help with any type of project.

Students can choose between working with freelancers and engaging writers attached to a writing service. While freelancers tend to offer relatively cheaper papers, the option lacks a supervisory framework that would guarantee on-time delivery and consistent quality. As such, the option is to work with writing companies. Such agencies have measures to vetting their writers, ensuring that only competent individuals work on projects. You also get a safe and controlled platform for interacting with the expert.

How Does One Choose a Reliable Personal Statement Writing Service

While working with personal statement services offers more security compared to engaging freelancers, not every website that claims to help with such projects is legit. You need to be able to identify the reliable service from the scam. Here are some attributes of top writing agencies to consider:

  • Responsiveness of the customer support team;
  • Availability of good samples;
  • The competence and qualification of writers;
  • The policy on free revisions;
  • The pricing of papers;
  • Money back guarantees.

The good news is that you don’t have to keep looking for a service with these attributes now that you are here. Our company has been at the helm of the online writing industry for more than five years. During this time, we have perfected our policies and processes, ensuring that all our customers get original and plagiarism free papers on time.

Go Ahead! Trust Us with Your Personal Statement

Writing a personal statement for graduate school can be one of the most complicated tasks you may ever have to complete. We are here to make sure that you get it right without much hassle. We have hired a team of experienced and competent writers to help with your project. Don’t wait — order a custom paper right here.

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