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What Is Culture and What Are Some Popular Culture Essay Topics?

What Is Culture EssayCulture is a word that we often come across. We are all part of a culture, we are often intrigued by other cultures, and culture is an integral determinant of who we are as individuals. So, what exactly is it then? Simply put, culture is the unique characteristics of a group of people. Culture is made up of many elements, some more obvious than others. Culture is the clothes we wear, the language we speak, the food we eat. Culture is our customs, our beliefs, and our values. It is part and parcel of our religious beliefs, superstitions, philosophy, and mythology.

Culture determines what is acceptable and unacceptable in any society. Social norms are borne out of culture. It is manifested through our art, music, dance, architecture, technologies, and writings. Holidays such as Halloween and Christmas are part of a larger culture. And within that culture, there are smaller cultures which have their own behaviors and norms. America is a melting point of cultures, making it one of the most vibrant places to live in the world.

Based on that description, it is easy to see why culture is a very common topic for essays. There is so much to write about regarding culture, and at the same time, essays on culture are very informative and enlightening. Essay topics on culture can be broad, or they can be very specific. Let’s look at some popular topics.

  • Personal Culture Essay

This is a great option, particularly for those with rich and unique cultures. Writing about your culture is not only informative to the reader, but it also gives you a chance to explore and celebrate your heritage. In writing about your culture, you can discuss it as a whole or focus on a particular element you find more fascinating. You can also explore the history of your culture and all the influences that make it what it is today. If you’re feeling bold, you can even address the more controversial elements of your culture through an argumentative essay that is sure to impress readers.

  • History of Culture

How exactly did culture come to be? Did we start with one universal culture that slowly evolved into thousands of other cultures? This is a great topic to write about in a culture essay. You can focus on the anthropological origins of culture and its evolution over time.

  • How Culture Changes

Culture is dynamic, ever-changing to fit the times. There are many ways in which cultural change comes about, including innovation, revolution, and modernization. An essay exploring how culture changes and the challenges that come with this change would be fascinating and can even be developed into a research paper.

  • Hierarchy of Cultures

Are some cultures better than others? Unfortunately, many people would believe so. Cultural superiority has been a controversial issue for a long time and a sore spot for humanity. Many conflicts in society can be traced back to the idea of cultural superiority. An essay on this topic can take a close look at what makes people think their cultures are better than others, and the distinction between high culture, low culture, popular culture, and folk culture.

What Is Culture Essay and How Do You Write One?

Now that we have looked at some interesting topics on culture let us discuss exactly how culture essays are written. Whether it is a long or short essay on culture, it must be able to provide a well-defined theme or thesis along with supporting evidence. Just like any other essay, a paper on culture can take on different styles depending on the purpose of your essay.

  • A narrative essay tells a story from the author’s perspective. Narrative essays are about story-telling with the main theme here being culture. Such an essay can be about the author’s personal experience with another culture. If you wanted to write about your experience in Greece, for example, a narrative essay would be perfect.
  • A descriptive essay is all about the details. It is intended to paint a picture using words. This is a great opportunity to write about a culture you find fascinating. You could, for example, write about life in ancient Rome; taking readers into that culture while appealing to their emotions.
  • Expository essays are about the facts. Here you would present an informative and factual essay about culture based on research. Expository essays are not about the author’s feelings or opinions but merely about what can be proven. A how does language affect culture essay would be perfect for the expository style.
  • Lastly, there are persuasive essays. These are all about persuading the reader to accept your point of view. They use a mixture of facts and personal feelings to bring across a clear argument. For example, if you wanted to write about abolishing the harmful cultural practice of child marriage in India, a persuasive essay would be ideal.

A Culture Shock Essay Is a Great Place to Start

When it comes to writing about culture, the options are unlimited as we have seen. While it is quite enlightening to write about your own culture, readers are often fascinated by stories of other cultures, particularly those that differ greatly from their own. Culture shock is defined as the feeling of being disoriented when encountering an unfamiliar culture. Individuals who travel often or who live in culturally heterogeneous societies experience different forms of a culture shock when they come into contact with a way of life or a set of values that is unlike their own. Culture shock is actually constructive as it challenges individuals to expand their world-view and enhance their adaptability.

A culture shock essay can explore different themes regarding cultural disparities. It can be something as simple as language barriers or different modes of dressing. While simple, these elements of culture can present challenges for people, who are not from that culture. For example, most cultures across the Middle East value extremely modest dressing, particularly for women. Western societies, on the other hand, do not impose strict dress codes, instead of allowing people to freely express themselves through their clothes.

This would present great culture shock for a European visiting say Yemen. Other aspects of culture shock that can be explored through an essay include customs, norms, values, and food. The essay can focus on your personal culture shock experience, the benefits and challenges of culture shock, and even ways to deal with culture shock. The options are numerous. Let’s look at other culture essay example ideas.

Culture Essay Example and Writing Services

Our expert team of writers has completed hundreds of culture essays, and they are available to help you complete yours too. Here are some examples of high-quality essays written by our writers.

  • An expository essay on the impact of African slaves on American culture

This essay looks at how slaves brought to the United States in the 16th century changed the culture of the time and how these changes have persisted centuries later. Africans came with their own culture and had a major impact on American religion, art, literature, music, language, dressing, and behavior.

  • Characteristics of Culture

This essay explores the elements of culture that make it what it is. Culture is learned, shared, and social process. It is also continuous and ever-changing. Each of these characteristics of culture in addition to others is discussed exhaustively in the essay.

  • Princeton Culture Essay

Princeton University application essays feature different prompts that are meant to explore applicants’ views and knowledge on a number of issues. Each year, one of the prompts is designed to examine applicants’ views on culture. The 2019-2020 supplemental essay prompt on culture, for example, features a quote by Philosophy Professor Gideon Rosen. Our writers have helped applicants interpret this quote, and other culture prompts through very insightful essays.

We hope these essay examples have been helpful to you and have shown you what our writers are capable of. If you’re still trying to rack your brain around what is culture essay and how to write one, you don’t need to worry anymore. We are here to help you! Our writers deliver top-notch essays, and they are available 24/7 for you. You can pick one of the popular culture essay topics provided, or you can let our writers come up with a creative and fresh topic for you. Either way, we guarantee to deliver amazing work that you will be proud to submit.

Our work is 100% original, meets the standards of academic writing, and will help improve your performance. We also guarantee that you will receive your essay before your deadline. So, don’t wait any longer. Order today and get your essay completed hassle-free!

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