Is this cheating?

  • Legal writing service since 2004
  • 100% plagiarism-free
  • Protected with 256-bit encryption
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Trusted by 100 608 students worldwide

Is this cheating?

Absolutely not. Using our service to get custom-written model answers to the questions you are struggling with is a great way to learn and improve your academic progress.

We know that many students, often through no fault of their own, find it hard to cope with the increased classload.

Our service is here to help those students get unstuck and understand their subject better. We do not encourage our clients to submit our papers verbatim.

Our Editorial Team
We work only with highly qualified, experienced writers and check every paper before it’s brought to a customer. We ensure that the paper is 100% unique, topic and level-relevant.
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Is my paper 100% plagiarism-free?

Most students check their papers with Turnitin or SafeAssign to make sure they don’t match somebody else’s work. Both our writing and editorial teams use Copyscape to check all papers for plagiarism.Only those papers that come up 100% plagiarism-free are delivered to our customers.

I appreciate the writer asking if they could have more time, even though it was not possible for me to give them more time. They were able to finish in enough time. I do apologize that I was not able to give them more time, but they did a marvelous job on my report and I will be forever thankful!
Customer #3838976110, USA | Writer #168963 | Subject: English, Literature & Philology | 2018
Is my personal information safe?
We ensure complete confidentiality as anything you order from us is protected with 256-bit encryption. Your personal information and order history are stored in your personal password-protected customer profile.
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