Topics for a Narrative Essay

Choosing narrative essay topics may be challenging if you don’t have a clear understanding of what it is. A narrative essay is a type of writing task where a student reveals their viewpoint. This type of writing may be assigned to students of all academic levels on any subject, as it helps express opinions clearly and concisely. And very often, it’s quite difficult to come up with a good essay idea to showcase your knowledge and writing skills.

So we wrote this article to provide you with useful tips for writing a professional narrative essay and choosing the proper topic. Here you will also find a list of top narrative essay ideas. So let’s move on to creating your excellent essay.

How to Write a Good Narrative Essay?

In order to create an excellent narrative essay, you should keep in mind a few writing tips. We selected for you the most effective tips and tricks to make your essay catching and well-edited.

Make a Plan

The first thing to do before starting your narrative essay is to prepare for the writing. A good plan will save a lot of time and effort. Jot down different ideas that will guide you in the process of writing. It’d be great to create a mind map, table, flowchart, or bullet points. You can also write down some quotations and keywords that will be useful for writing your essay. Scratch a brief plan or a detailed one depending on the deadline.

Create an Outline

Having a clear essay structure will help you present your thoughts in an organized and distinct way. Your narrative essay should have three parts and five paragraphs: one introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Consider including a hook in the introduction to encourage the readers to move on. The body paragraphs contain the main points making up a narration. And in the conclusion, you can impress readers with a punch line or an unpredictable twist.

Be Original

The above-mentioned tips, like making a plan and outline will help anyone narrate their story. But you should aim to be creative and original. Your unique writing should impress readers from the first lines and keep them in tension till the last climax sentence. Answer the question set in the topic, but remember to stay individual. Try to develop your own style and share your ideas and experiences. You can write your narrative essay in the first person, and a third-person approach would be quite interesting.

Tips on How to Select the Right Topic

Once you get familiar with the most effective pieces of advice for writing a narrative essay, you can discover how to choose a theme. With so many narrative essay topics, students get baffled and fail to pick the appropriate one. Here we’ll find what to consider when deciding on an essay topic.

Define Your Interests

You should write a narrative essay about the thing that is of interest to you. If your topic is close to you, you will present your narration engagingly and make readers love your essay. Do not write about something that interests your groupmates or is popular. Be yourself and tell about the things you like and want to share your opinion on. So once you know your interests, let’s move on to the next stage in choosing a good topic for your narrative paper.

Do Your Research

Now you should search on the web and in books all about your theme. It’s essential to find enough materials on the topic. So students can ask their supervisors or librarians to recommend some literature for reference. Read articles, watch educational videos, and look through the news to see how your theme is manifested in academia and media. You may also read narrative essays by other students to learn from their writing manner and the way they cover the topic. If you find some useful ideas, note them down in your mind map to incorporate into the essay later.

Brainstorm Ideas

Another effective tip is to brainstorm various ideas to find the right essay theme. You may combine different phrases and highlight different aspects to achieve the best variant. So write a list of possible topic options and analyze each of them. You should take into account its relevance, availability of resources, and your interests. Brainstorming will help you come up with the best theme idea.

Consider Its Relevance

So what is the relevance of a narrative essay topic? You already know that it should match your interests but also be useful to readers. It’s great to write about a topic that has not been covered yet but will contribute a lot to the subject. When you’ve been assigned to write a narrative essay on Ancient literature, your paper topic should correspond to the discipline.

Narrow Down Your Topic

And the last piece of advice to every student is to write about something specific and not generalize too much. You should single out a specific aspect of the theme that interests you and create a meaningful narration about it. Narrowing down a theme allows students to express their unique ideas on some issues. But at the same time, remember about resources for reference as there may not be enough materials for your narrative essay topic.

Narrative Writing Topic for High School Students

High school students have a lot of ideas to tell about in their essays. This can be a story about their study, hobbies, friends, and more. So let’s find interesting narrative essay topics for high school students.

  • My favorite class
  • My favorite teacher
  • My first day at school
  • The most memorable event in my school life
  • The event that changed my life
  • My learning experience
  • The day off with my classmates
  • My way to school
  • What do I do after school?
  • The role of friendship in my life
  • My worst competition
  • Why do I like/ hate camping?
  • My partying experience
  • I and the school theater
  • My last participation in a sports event.

Narrative Essay Topics for College Students

College students can also find a variety of fascinating narrative essay topics to choose from. Their theme should help them self-express and showcase their writing skills. They may write about relationships, personal experiences, family, friends, activities, and many other things. So, take a look at these ideas to craft your perfect narration. Topics like these can help you write not only a great narrative essay but also give you insights on how to write a good reflection paper.

  • My best friend at college
  • The most memorable moment in my college life
  • Why do I like this subject?
  • What I learned from my professor?
  • My dream vacation
  • An event that changed my opinion about a person
  • How do I combat procrastination?
  • My productivity tips
  • My favorite travel destination
  • The most challenging decision in my life
  • What am I proud of?
  • What does home mean to me?
  • What makes me feel alive?
  • My unique experience
  • How did I get closer to my parents?

Narrative Essay Topic Ideas for University Students

And what about university narrative essay topics? University students also have much to share from their personal experiences. These topics should reflect their evolution, growing up, and learning from past experiences and mistakes. This list includes 15 creative ideas for your narrative essay, so look them through and make your unique paper. If you have problems choosing a topic or writing an essay, our experts are always ready to help.

  • My online class experience
  • My favorite hobby in my childhood and now
  • How do I move to achieve my dreams?
  • My opinion on feminism
  • A person that changed my life
  • My last day at college
  • Pros and cons of video games
  • My favorite author
  • My sources of inspiration
  • My weaknesses and strengths
  • My philosophy of life
  • My thoughts about my future career
  • Why am I proud of my roots?
  • My project of self-improvement
  • A science and scientist that inspires me.

Ideas for Narrative Writing on Culture

There are amazing narrative essay topics that allow you to express your opinion on culture. Students have the freedom to write in their favorite style about the cultural thing they admire. Here we’ll discover topic ideas on holidays, arts, and traditions.

  • How do we celebrate Christmas?
  • The most significant holiday for me
  • Our family traditions for Thanksgiving
  • My experience of holidays abroad
  • The role of modern art in society
  • My favorite museum
  • What do I feel when listening to classical music?
  • Does culture shape our identity?
  • Can different beliefs exclude us from the community?
  • The most memorable festival in my life
  • The cultural event I liked the most
  • How does the media impact culture?
  • Why should we know our culture?
  • Food traditions in countries I visited
  • Films in my life.

Third-Person Narrative Essay Topics

A narrative essay is associated with the first-person perspective, but it’s not an ironclad rule. You can stand out and be creative writing about a personal experience from the perspective of someone else. Are you intrigued? And your readers will also explore your narration with curiosity when reading your third-person essay.

  • The role of social media in our life
  • How advertising influences our purchase behavior?
  • Is everything we read in the news real?
  • How technologies help people?
  • Body positiveness for modern females
  • Stress sources and how to cope with them
  • Why do people have role models?
  • The role of religion in the lives of modern people
  • Do people lie to look better?
  • Challenges everyone overcomes in college.

Final Thoughts

Writing a narrative essay is fun and easy if you choose the right topic. We hope this comprehensive list of narrative essay topics will give you some ideas on how to create an engaging paper. Just be creative, experiment, and always edit your writing. We wish you good luck in generating your fascinating narrative essays.


What are 3 good topics for an essay?

Writing a narrative essay is challenging when it comes to choosing the right topic. Hopefully, we analyzed narrative essay types and themes to single out the three best topic ideas. These are personal life, including your relationships, experiences, etc, traveling, and culture. For example, your topic may sound like: My best day at college; My first trip abroad; and My family traditions. As you see, they are all connected to your life, experiences, and opinions, and you can easily write a great essay on one of these topic ideas.

What are examples of a narrative essay?

An example of a narrative essay is a story about a personal experience with a point. It should not only be a simple narration but have some value for readers, teach them, show what is moral, etc. There are all story elements, including an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. You have to create a plot, introduce characters, describe the setting, and add a climax to craft a real story. An author of a narrative essay should tell enough details in chronological order and even dialogues. Remember to give emotional details, vivid words, and flashbacks, and create a conflict in the first-person or the third-person perspective.

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