How To Start An Essay

The skill of writing an essay introduction is important for every student. Why?

  •       The introduction paragraph determines the rest of the paper and should catch the reader’s attention.
  •       The introduction paragraph allows your readers to learn about the purpose of the research and the author’s opinion.

Research shows that the first sentences have the most impact on readers. Therefore, this section should be as accurate and interesting as possible.

In this article, we will give you helpful tips on how to write a good introduction paragraph, including effective essay starters.

Essay Introduction Examples

We have prepared several examples to make it as clear as possible what a good introduction for an essay looks like.

Example 1

How modern technology affects teenagers

Modern technology is a tool that changes the world around us every day. Convenient and portable devices such as laptops, smartphones and tablets have become necessary for a comfortable life and work. However, teenagers can harm their health due to excessively long use of gadgets. Some teenagers may even become addicted. Excessive use of devices not only does not benefit but also harms the physical and mental development of a teenager.

Example 2

Should the death penalty be supported at the state level?

Numerous studies have shown that the death penalty is an anachronism. This punishment is ineffective and should not be used in today’s society. In my opinion, the death penalty should be abolished in all countries. People should not die for their sins but atone for them.

When writing the essay introduction, try to show your creativity. Make a few drafts and do research by presenting them to your friends. Focus on their opinion. For those working on research papers, understanding how to write an introduction for a research paper can provide valuable insights. You will get the most interesting essay with an excellent introductory part.

How To Write Good Introduction For Essay

It would be best if you understood that the introductory part of your paper is intended to inform readers of the importance of your research. This paragraph gives the audience a sense of direction with a brief perspective on your opinion. Therefore, it is important and necessary for you to know how to write the introduction of an essay correctly, as it can either make the paper much better or completely ruin it.

  •       Try to impress your audience, arouse readers’ curiosity, and use hooks to grab attention.
  •       Conduct extensive research and brainstorming to select the best points for your paper’s introduction.

In the essay introduction, you define the parameters for the discussion. These parameters show the scope of the research to your readers. Therefore, do not forget to add a few sentences explaining your point of view in detail.

Good Sentence To Start An Essay

The very first sentence of any paper determines its tone. So, don’t be lazy and spend some time writing an effective hook.

Try not to write confusingly. Instead, start your paper with something clear and concise. Such proposals arouse curiosity among readers.

The hook of the first sentence should warm up the reader’s interest. It gives an idea of ​​the topic and shows why readers might be interested in it. There are two things to avoid when writing your first sentence hook:

  •       Too broad statements.
  •       Too simple statements.

 Later in the article, we will tell you about good and bad examples of hooks in the first sentence.

Best Ways To Start An Essay

Look at the examples we have provided and use them to improve your paper.

Example 1

  •       Bad – The telephone has become a very important invention.
  •       Good – The invention of the telephone was a real revolution in technology.

A bad option is just a dry fact. The second option is more interesting and shows how important this invention was.

Example 2

Bad: The Internet is a global computer network for information exchange and communication.

Good: The rise of the Internet has taken information sharing worldwide to a new level.

Try to avoid well-known language in hooks. The second option is not much different from the first, but it sounds more interesting and fresher. 

Example 3 

Bad: Stevenson’s Treasure Island is a famous book about pirates.

Good: Stevenson’s Treasure Island is one of the world’s most popular works on the psychology of pirates.

The first option is just a statement of fact. A good option is a fact that contains a new look at seemingly already known things.

Introduction Essay Examples

To make it easier for you to understand how to write an introductory paragraph well, we give another example with a breakdown of each part of this paragraph.

“With the invention of the printing press, the Middle Ages drew close.” 

It is a hook. It describes the main idea of ​​your paper in one sentence and is used to keep the reader interested.

“The Middle Ages was a time of political and intellectual stagnation. Before the Renaissance, very few people had access to books. Because of this, one could not speak of any effective educational system.”

It is the background of the introduction paragraph and is used to develop further the idea presented in the first sentence’s hook.

“The invention of the printing press made it possible to significantly expand and increase the information available to people in Europe. As a result, many people became smarter, more educated, and the reformation began.”

It is a thesis that describes your paper’s main message.


How To Write An Introduction For An Essay

To write a good introduction for your essay, you need to follow the basic rules and recommendations. The main rule is not to be too short or verbose. The main recommendation is to come up with a good hook.

How Do You Start To Write An Introduction?

Start your essay with good brainstorming. It will help you determine the correct direction for writing the entire paper. Then, if you are having difficulty getting inspired, you can turn to your friends or even a teacher.

What Is A Good Example Of An Introduction Paragraph?

A good example should please not only you but also your readers. The best option is to write a piece of paper and give it to your supervisor, who will tell you whether you did a really good job in the introduction paragraph or not.

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