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How to Write a Persuasive Essay

Academic writing is an essential part of the educational process in high school and in college. That’s why you can rest assured that one day your teacher will ask you to write a persuasive essay. This kind of essay is a very important tool that will not only help you in studying subjects at college but also in persuading people in real life. That’s why for any person who wants to succeed, it’s crucial to know how to write a persuasive essay. That’s why if you consider yourself one of these people, our article will be useful for you.

Persuasive Essay Structure

To write a correct and logical persuasive essay, you need to follow a certain structure that will help you to implement all your ideas and apply all requirements. However, the good news is that the structure of your future persuasive essay will not differ from any other essay type. However, to make things simpler for you, in this section we’ll briefly introduce to you each part of the persuasive essay structure.


The introduction of your persuasive essay is the part where you need to present the topic of your discussion. The essay starters should always be short and logical, make sure to present the main idea of your essay in the thesis statement of your paper. Do not write a long and awkward introduction, instead this grabs the attention of your readers with some intriguing opening.


The body of your persuasive essay should contain from 3 to 5 paragraphs in which you will persuade why your vision of the topic is the only correct one. For this matter, you should use trusted sources, works of previous authors regarding this topic, and of course some reliable pieces of evidence. Another significant point you should also remember is that you should never contradict your own statements.


In conclusion, first of all, you need to remind your readers about the thesis that you mentioned at the beginning. After that, you can briefly summarize all of the information provided to the readers in the body, conclude all the facts and provide your logical and structural conclusion that will not contradict your thesis statement.

Persuasive Essay Ideas

We understand that for some people who have never written persuasive essays before it may be hard to choose the idea for a persuasive essay. That’s why in this section we’ll present you our top of the best persuasive essay ideas that will help you to choose your own topic.

  • Why should students be allowed to use phones at college?
  • Why are electric cars better for the environment?
  • The importance of homework in the modern educational system
  • What is the most important subject in the school program, and why?
  • Is vegetarianism good for health and why?
  • What is the best sport for health, and why?
  • Is higher education necessary?
  • What can humanity do about global warming?
  • Do computer games affect children’s mental health?
  • How can we fight bullying in high school?
  • The importance of parent’s influence on child development
  • The importance of the first job
  • How to not compare yourself with others?
  • Explain the importance of reading
  • Why are crypto values better than regular money?

How to Start a Persuasive Essay

The beginning of your persuasive essay is an important part that will give the tone for the whole work. That’s why you need to start your essay in a certain way, that will help you to make your persuasive essay more successful in the eyes of your readers. That’s why in this section we have collected some tips that will help you to start your persuasive essay.

  • Create a structure. To make the writing process of your persuasive essay easier, first of all, you need to create a structure for your work. After that, it will be much easier for you to start your essay and continue writing.
  • Define thesis. Any essay introduction should always contain the thesis statement. That’s why the best way to start your persuasive essay is to come up with a logical thesis statement that will reveal the topic of discussion.
  • Don’t write long sentences. Another important piece of advice to start your essay is not to use long sentences. Instead of this make sure to use short and logical sentences. That will help your readers to understand your point of view easily.

Conclusion of Persuasive Essay

The conclusion of your persuasive essay is the final part of your essay. In conclusion, you need to provide the result of your research and provide your readers with a logical conclusion. If you want to write a successful conclusion, read the list of tips that we’ve prepared for you.

  • Repeat your thesis. In the conclusion of your persuasive essay, you need to repeat your thesis. That will help your readers to understand your point of view better.
  • Remind the essence of the study. Tell your readers why you have started this paper and why you decided to raise this question in your persuasive essay.
  • Give food for thought. Conclude your paper with some logical questions that will give your readers food for further thought. If you managed to cause interest in your readers that means that you wrote a successful paper.


How to write a hook for a persuasive essay?

Write a short and intriguing sentence that will grab the attention of your audience. In case you will write a correct thesis statement it can become a great hook for your audience.

How to write a great persuasive essay?

To write a good persuasive essay, the first thing you need to do is come up with a good topic. After that give yourself time to prepare a proper structure and write your paper according to it. Just follow these simple steps, and you will receive a great essay as a result.

How to write a persuasive essay step by step?

The best way to write your persuasive essay step by step is to create a structure. After that, you will have no difficulties in completing your paper.

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