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Patrick Green
Patrick Green
98% successful rate
142 completed orders
77 reviews
Have you ever seen a real workaholic? If not, then meet Patrick Green, a professional paper writer who is completely addicted to writing. He beats all the records, having 98% success rate and completing the biggest number of orders. The most impressive thing is that despite the huge amount of work, Patrick delivers only first-rate unique papers, always on time.

How to Write a Persuasive Essay


Academic writing is an essential part of the educational process in high school and in college. That’s why you can rest assured that one day your teacher will ask you to write a persuasive essay. This kind of essay is a very important tool that will not only help you …


Social Issues Essay Topics


Writing about social issues topics can be equally exciting and challenging. This essay is an exciting adventure because it exposes you to some pressing issues society faces. It brings you face to face with the realities on the ground, ranging from the good, bad, and even ugly. Some topics are …


Check Good College Essay Topics Offered by Pro Experts


Do you still find choosing a topic for your essay a tricky challenge since you have no idea what to write a paper about? Competent writers are willing to share their expertise and provide secret tips on how to opt for stellar college essay topics. To succeed in academic writing, …


How to Write a College Application Essay – #1 Guide to Follow


College application essays are vital documents that students must complete when applying to join higher learning institutions. These essays are also known as personal statements, and they have a significant impact in determining whether you will get the acceptance letter. While most students think it is a simple paper to …


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